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A delegate is a type that represents references to methods with a particular parameter list and return type.

class Program
// Declaration
public delegate int DelegateMethod(ref int x);

public static int Add1(ref int x)
x += 1;
return x;

public static int Multiple2(ref int x)
x *= 2;
return x;

static void Main(string[] args)
DelegateMethod calculate;
int x;

x = 1;
calculate = Add1;
calculate?.Invoke(ref x); // 1 + 1 = 2
Console.WriteLine(x); // 2

x = 1;
calculate += Multiple2; // Add other method
calculate?.Invoke(ref x); // (1 + 1) * 2 = 4
Console.WriteLine(x); // 4
  • If the delegate has a return value and/or out parameters, it returns the return value and parameters of the last method invoked
  • Delegate can bind to instance
class Counter
public int count = 0;

public void Add()
count += 1;

class Program

// Declaration
public delegate void DelegateMethod();

static void Main(string[] args)
var a = new Counter();
var b = new Counter();

// Delegate does not need initialize, can be null
DelegateMethod method = null;

method = a.Add;
// method += a.Add;
// += can be use even delegate is null

// Use ?. will not call if `method` is null
Console.WriteLine(a.count); // 1

method += b.Add;
Console.WriteLine($"{a.count} {b.count}"); // 2 1


var delegateFunction = delegate()
// ...
// return ...;

C# defined delegate

public delegate void Action();
public delegate void Action<in T>(T obj);
// ...

public delegate TResult Func<out TResult>();
public delegate TResult Func<in T, out TResult>(T arg);
// ...

Lambda / Anonymous

Lambda expression

With return value

Func<int, int> Add1 = (n) => n + 1;
// same as
Func<int, int> Add1 = (n) => { return n + 1; };

Without return value

Action<string> Hi = (name) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Hi, {name}");
  • Lambda is closure, that can access outer scope
int x = 1;
var doubleX = () =>
return x * 2;