Disable **Security Warning** when run shared file in Windows
· One min read
When run shared file, Windows will display Security Warning
When run shared file, Windows will display Security Warning
To install Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc
) in Windows Home
Run command without console / hide console window
By default, WSL uses a NAT mode, WSL listening port only can access at localhost (, cannot be accessed from external network.
$ws = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$ws.CurrentDirectory = $PWD
$s = $ws.CreateShortcut('url.lnk')
$s.TargetPath = 'http://example.com'
# $s.TargetPath = 'file.txt'
Ref: Configuring OpenVPN to run automatically on system startup
config file in folder %ProgramFiles%\OpenVPN\config-auto\